We are certified!

HPE certified export packer

As an HPE-certified export packer, we stand for the highest quality and safety when packing your valuable goods. HPE certification (Bundesverband Holzpackmittel, Paletten, Exportverpackung e.V.) guarantees that our packaging meets international standards and that your products are optimally prepared for transport – whether by land, air or sea.

Why HPE certification is important:

  • International standards: our packaging solutions fulfil the strict specifications of HPE e.V. to ensure that your goods arrive safely anywhere in the world.

  • Highest safety standards: Certification means our processes are regularly reviewed and optimised to ensure maximum protection for your goods.

  • Trust and reliability: Rely on our many years of experience and expertise in export packaging, backed by HPE certification.

Trust in certified quality – for the safe transport of your products worldwide.

Safety and reliability: LBA-certified packaging service provider

We are qualified as an LBA-certified packaging service provider (German Federal Aviation Authority). This certification emphasises our commitment to the highest safety standards, particularly in the area of air freight.

What does LBA certification mean for you?

  • Maximum security in air freight: Certification by the German Federal Office of Civil Aviation (LBA) confirms that our packaging processes meet the strict security requirements for air freight. Your goods are in safe hands with us.

  • Regular inspections: Our procedures and processes are continuously monitored and audited by the LBA to ensure that we always comply with the latest security standards.

  • Certified reliability: With LBA certification, we can guarantee that your shipments meet the highest security requirements and pass through air freight controls without any problems.

Trust through AEO certification: your reliable partner for global supply chains

We are proud to be recognised as an AEO-certified company (Authorised Economic Operator). This certification confirms our role as a reliable and trustworthy partner in international trade, characterised by security, efficiency and compliance in global supply chains.

Advantages of AEO certification for you:

  • Reliable customs clearance: as an AEO-certified company, we enjoy simplified customs clearance procedures. For you, this means faster and more efficient processing of your exports and imports.

  • Highest security standards: Our AEO certification shows that we meet the highest security standards and implement them in all our processes. This means that your goods are not only transported faster, but also more securely.

  • Recognised worldwide: AEO certification is an international seal of quality that recognises us as a trustworthy partner for customs and security issues worldwide.

Strong partnership:
Member of BVMW - Der Mittelstand.

As a member company of the Bundesverband mittelständische Wirtschaft (BVMW) – Der Mittelstand. BVMW e.V. – we benefit from a strong network that promotes and supports SMEs in Germany. This partnership enables us to respond even more specifically to the needs of our customers and develop forward-looking solutions for their challenges

Advantages of our BVMW membership for you:

  • Network & exchange: Through our BVMW membership, we are part of an extensive network of medium-sized companies, which enables us to exchange knowledge and resources in order to always be at the cutting edge of developments.

  • Access to expertise: The BVMW provides access to valuable information and expert knowledge, which we incorporate into our daily processes to offer you the best possible support.

  • Strengthening SMEs: Our membership emphasises our commitment to promoting SMEs and shows that we are actively helping to strengthen the German economy.

Together with the BVMW, we are committed to optimally fulfilling your requirements as a partner for SMEs.

IPPC certification: Global protection through safe packaging

Our packaging solutions are IPPC-certified (International Plant Protection Convention), which means that they comply with international phytosanitary standards. This certification ensures that our wooden packaging is free from pests and diseases and meets the global requirements for export.

The benefits of IPPC certification for you:

  • Recognised worldwide: IPPC certification ensures that our packaging complies with international regulations for the protection of plant life, making your exports safe and smooth.

  • Phytosanitary safety: Our IPPC-certified packaging protects against the introduction and spread of pests and diseases that could jeopardise the plant world.

  • Faster customs clearance: IPPC-compliant packaging is accepted worldwide and results in fewer delays in customs clearance.

With our IPPC certification, your products are packaged safely and legally compliant worldwide – for worry-free export.

Discover our other services now!